Kylee's Rating System

A+ A Keeper This book is highly recommended by me. You may want to make room on your shelves for this one.

A/A- Enjoyable Read I enjoyed this one very much. It’s worth swapping for or buying. There are parts of this book that will stay with you long after you have turned the last page.

B/B+ A Good Read This is a good read, but you don’t need to rush right out and buy it. Worth borrowing if it’s at your local library or if a friend/family member has it.

B-/C+ An Okay Read This an okay read. If you can’t find it at the library, don’t worry about it.

C/C- Maybe, maybe not This is a so-so read. I personally could take it or leave it. Reading this one won’t keep you up at night. If the plot doesn’t strike you as interesting, skip it. If the plot does interest you, then add it to your “I’ll read it one day” list.

D/F Not To My Taste It’s definitely not to my taste. It’s the rare book that ends up with this rating. I wouldn't have asked for it, bought it, borrowed it from the library if it didn't intrigue me.

DNF Did Not Finish Self-explanatory.

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The reviews on this blog are my personal opinions. What I like, you might not like. What you totally adore, I might be unable to bring myself to finish. Roam around this site, and read some of my other reviews. Especially, read my reviews of books you’ve already read. If you find yourself agreeing with me, you’re probably safe taking my ratings to heart.

IMPORTANT: Kylee's Journal Disclosure

In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Kylee's Journal would like everyone to know that the books reviewed on my blog were either provided to me by the publisher/the author for free OR were purchased by me OR were borrowed from the library. Books recieved for free do not get special treatment, if I don't like something, I either will not finish it (DNF) or I will struggle through to the end; both get reviews posted here.