March 19, 2009

Booking Through Thursday {3-19-09}

How about, “What’s the worst ‘best’ book you’ve ever read — the one everyone says is so great, but you can’t figure out why?”
The Safety of Secrets. I found the two women in this book annoying. I saw lots of people saying that they enjoyed it. I'm sure there are books that I loved that other's didn't like. There are plenty of book around; there's something for everyone's tastes. If you're interested, here is my review.

For more BTT!

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  1. Can't say that is sounds that interesting, I think I may pass on it too

  2. I didn't read this book.
    My BTT is up.

  3. I will definitely check out your review. This is in my TBR pile.

  4. Sorry, forgot to leave my link.

  5. Never heard of that one either.

    My BTT is here

  6. Haven't read it, but I agree, your cup of tea isn't necessarily someone else's.

  7. I won this one recently, so I really hope I like it more than you did!


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IMPORTANT: Kylee's Journal Disclosure

In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Kylee's Journal would like everyone to know that the books reviewed on my blog were either provided to me by the publisher/the author for free OR were purchased by me OR were borrowed from the library. Books recieved for free do not get special treatment, if I don't like something, I either will not finish it (DNF) or I will struggle through to the end; both get reviews posted here.