September 16, 2010

Library Loot - September - Week 3

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire @ The Captive Reader and Marg @ Reading Adventures that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Here are the books that I have checked out right now:
{in addition to the books from last week's edition}

Challenge books
The Outsiders: Library EditionSecret DaughterCream Puff Murder (Hannah Swensen, #11)
The Outsiders by SE Hinton, narrated by Jim Fyfe  -- Banned Books Reading Challenge -- 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge -- Audio Book Challenge -- my first time with PlayAway
Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda -- South Asian Author Challenge -- 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge 
Cream Puff Murder by Joanne Fluke, narrated by Suzanne Toren -- 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge -- Audio Book Challenge 
Plum Pudding Murder (Hannah Swensen Mystery, Book 12)Where the Wild Things Are
Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke, narrated by Suzanne Toren -- 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge -- Audio Book Challenge
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak -- Banned Books Reading Challenge -- 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge -- Audio Book Challenge 

Reaghan's current books checked out
Nothing new from last week.

"Chapter" book(s) checked out
Nothing new from last week.

Checked out for myself just because
Daniel H. Burnham: Visionary Architect and Planner
Daniel H. Burnham: Visionary Architect and Planner by Kristen Schaffer, edited by Scott J Tilden, photographed by Paul Rocheleau -- Immediately after watching this PBS program I got out of bed (this was at about 11:50pm) and logged on to my library's catalog and started looking for books about the man.

Book images and links courtesy of


  1. I used to read the Hannah Swensen mysteries but I am a long way behind these days!

    Enjoy your loot!

  2. Where the Wild Things are was one of my favorites growing up! Enjoy your loot.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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IMPORTANT: Kylee's Journal Disclosure

In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Kylee's Journal would like everyone to know that the books reviewed on my blog were either provided to me by the publisher/the author for free OR were purchased by me OR were borrowed from the library. Books recieved for free do not get special treatment, if I don't like something, I either will not finish it (DNF) or I will struggle through to the end; both get reviews posted here.