November 26, 2008

Hyacinth Awards - Retroactive

Here is a list of the books that I am (retroactively) giving the Hyacinth Award to. They are in no particular order. To read more about my Hyacinth Award click here. I've also linked to the reviews.
Remember to keep a look-out for these awards in the future. =)


  1. Thanks for the list! I have The Uglies on my 2009 list (part of the Westerfeld mini-challenge). Glad to know that it's worth the read.

  2. My oldest daughter has #2 and #3 in the series... I'm trying really hard to wait until the Mini-Challenge starts.

  3. Hands down, Joe Hill's book. Also, I wanted to drop by and wish you an awesome Thanksgiving. :)

  4. Hi Kylee,
    I love the look of this new blog. Wow! Thanks so much for the award! And thanks for blogging about the contest. Have a great week!


Thank you for letting me know your thoughts and that you were here. I read all of your comments. If you are commenting on a post that is from 14 or more days ago, your comment will have to be approved before it appears.

I try to respond to all comments. I will respond either right here in the comment section of this post, on your own blog or through email. =)


IMPORTANT: Kylee's Journal Disclosure

In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Kylee's Journal would like everyone to know that the books reviewed on my blog were either provided to me by the publisher/the author for free OR were purchased by me OR were borrowed from the library. Books recieved for free do not get special treatment, if I don't like something, I either will not finish it (DNF) or I will struggle through to the end; both get reviews posted here.